Chiarimento EDU

00domenica 19 agosto 2012 00:58
Ciao, sto modificando i valori nell'EDU per il mod delle Cronache, e vorrei capire se i valori (ad esempio quelli di attacco o difesa, e così via) si riferiscono all'unità nel complesso o al singolo soldato. Perché poiché le unità hanno diversa numerosità ho bisogno di capire come bilanciarle. Spero di essere stato chiaro.
Grazie a chi saprà illuminarmi!
The Housekeeper
00giovedì 23 agosto 2012 00:07
riguardano i singoli, chiaramente il numero di uomini influisce molto!
00giovedì 23 agosto 2012 11:38
Grazie per la risposta. Ci sono però dei valori che, a logica, potrebbero riferirsi all'unità nel suo totale; ad esempio penso al costo per il reclutamento dell'unità. Hai qualche dettaglio in più, o sia dove posso trovare più informazioni?
The Housekeeper
00giovedì 23 agosto 2012 18:25
sì, i costi riguardano l'unità nel complesso
maggiori info sull'edu? non so, potresti cercare sul TWC, sicuramente ci sarà una guida specifica, comunque tutte le info vitali le trovi nello stesso file, all'inizio

; Medieval 2 Total War Unit Details spreadsheet-generated unit descriptions

;Data entries are as follows
; Type The internal name of the unit. Note this not necessarily the same as the on screen name
; dictionary The tag used to look up the on screen name
;Category and class define the rough type of the unit. They're used for setting some default attributes and for
;determining where units go in formation amongst other things such as tags to support AI army formation
; category infantry, cavalry, siege, handler, ship or non_combatant
; class light, heavy, missile or spearmen
; voice_type Used to determine the type of voice used by the unit
; soldier Name of the soldier model to use (from descr_models_battle.txt)
; followed by the number of ordinary soldiers in the unit
; followed by the number of extras (pigs dogs, elephants, chariots artillery pieces etc attached to the unit)
; followed by the collision mass of the men. 1.0 is normal. [Only applies to infantry]
; officer Name of officer model. There may be up to 0-3 officer lines per unit
; ship Type of ship used if applicable
; engine Type of siege engine used by unit
; animal The type of (non ridden) animals used by the unit
; mount Type of animal or vehicle ridden on
; mount_effect Factors to add when in combat against enemy units that have the specified mounts
; Up to three factors may be specified, which may be classes of mount, or specific types
; attributes A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may have. Including
; sea_faring = can board ships; can_swim = can swim across rivers
; hide_forest, hide_improved_forest, hide_anywhere = defines where the unit can hide
; can_sap = Can dig tunnels under walls
; frighten_foot, frighten_mounted = Cause fear to certain nearby unit types
; can_run_amok = Unit may go out of control when riders lose control of animals
; general_unit = The unit can be used for a named character's bodyguard
; cantabrian_circle = The unit has this special ability
; no_custom = The unit may not be selected in custom battles
; command = The unit carries a legionary eagle, and gives bonuses to nearby units
; mercenary_unit = The unit is s mercenary unit available to all factions
; is_peasant = unknown
; druid = Can do a special morale raising chant
; power_charge = unkown
; free_upkeep_unit = Unit can be supported free in a city
; formation soldier spacing (in metres) side to side, then front to back for close formation
; followed by the same measurements in loose formation.
; followed by the default number of ranks for the unit
; followed by the formations possible for the unit. One or two of
; square, horde, schiltrom, shield_wall, phalanx, testudo, or wedge
; stat_health Hit points of man, followed by hit points of mount or attached animal (if applicable)
; Ridden horses and camels do not have separate hit points
;Details of unit's primary weapon. If the unit has a missile weapon it must be the primary
; stat_pri From left to right
; attack factor
; attack bonus factor if charging
; missile type fired (no if not a missile weapon type)
; range of missile
; amount of missile ammunition per man
; Weapon type = melee, thrown, missile, or siege_missile
; Tech type = simple, other, blade, archery or siege
; Damage type = piercing, blunt, slashing or fire. (I don't think this is used anymore)
; Sound type when weapon hits = none, knife, mace, axe, sword, or spear
; Optional. Name of effect to play when weapon fires
; Min delay between attacks (in 1/10th of a second)
; Skeleton compensation factor in melee. Should be 1
; stat_pri_ex Optional. attack bonus vs mounted, defence bonus vs mounted, armour penetration
; stat_pri_attr
; primary weapon attributes any or all of
; ap = armour piercing. Only counts half of target's armour
; bp = body piercing. Missile can pass through men and hit those behind
; spear = Used for long spears. Gives bonuses fighting cavalry, and penalties against infantry
; long_pike = Use very long pikes. Phalanx capable units only
; short_pike = Use shorter than normal spears.
; prec = Missile weapon is only thrown/ fired just before charging into combat
; thrown = The missile type if thrown rather than fired
; launching = attack may throw target men into the air
; area = attack affects an area, not just one man
; spear & light_spear = The unit when braced has various protecting mechanisms versus cavalry charges from the front
; spear_bonus_x = attack bonus against cavalry. x = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12
;Details of secondary weapons. If the unit rides on, or has attached animals or vehicles
;then the secondary weapon details refer to their attacks. If the unit has missile weapons
;the secondary weapon will be the one used for melee
;If the unit has a primary melee weapon, it may have a secondary side arm
; stat_sec As per stat_pri (a value of no means no secondary weapon)
; stat_sec_ex as per stat_pri_ex
; stat_sec_attr As per stat_pri_attr
; stat_ter As per stat_pri If there is no ternary weapon, then there are no ternary data entries
; stat_ter_ex as per stat_pri_ex
; stat_ter_attr As per stat_pri_attr
; stat_pri_armour Details of the man's defences
; armour factor
; defensive skill factor (not used when shot at)
; shield factor (only used for attacks from the front of left)
; sound type when hit = flesh, leather, or metal
; stat_armour_ex Details of the man's defences
; armour factor. 4 values. First for base value, then 3 upgrade levels
; defensive skill factor (not used when shot at)
; shield factors. First for melee, second for missile fire
; sound type when hit = flesh, leather, or metal
; stat_sec_armour Details of animal's or vehicle's defenses (note riden horses do not have a separate defence)
; As per stat_pri_armour, except that the shield entry is ommited
; stat_heat Extra fatigue suffered by the unit in hot climates
; stat_ground Combat modifiers on different ground types. From left to right
; scrub, sand, forest, snow
; stat_mental The base morale level, followed by discipline and training
; discipline may be normal, low, disciplined or impetuous. Impetuous units may charge without orders
; training determines how tidy the unit's formation is. Discipline the response to morale SHOCKS
; optional lock_morale stops unit from ever routing
; stat_charge_distance Distance from the enemy that the unit will begin charging
; stat_fire_delay Extra delay over that imposed by animation, hetween volleys
; stat_food No longer used
; stat_cost Number of turns to build,
; Cost of unit to construct
; Cost of upkeep
; Cost of upgrading weapons
; Cost of upgrading armour
; Cost for custom battles
; stat_stl Number of soldiers needed for unit to count as alive
; armour_ug_levels Smith level needed for each armour upgrade
; armour_ug_models Body for each upgrade level
; stat_ownership List of factions and cultures that may have this unit
; era 0, Optional List of factions that use this in multiplayer era 0
; era 1, Optional List of factions that use this in multiplayer era 1
; era 2, Optional List of factions that use this in multiplayer era 2
; info_pic_dir Optional. Dir to find the info pic in (instead of faction dir)
; card_pic_dir Optional. Dir to find the unit card in (instead of faction dir)
; unit_info Info for unit info panel. Melee attack, missile attack, defence
00giovedì 23 agosto 2012 23:01
Perfetto, grazie.
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