Medieval Total War Italia

problema albero genealogico

  • Messaggi
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 20:09
    ciao a tutti.risolto il precedente problema ho finalmente inserito in mappa pergamo.
    ho pero' un problema nell'albero genealogico.
    apro la pergamena relativa all'albero ma trovo solo il ritratto di attalo suoi genitori. li ho inseriti e dovrebbero apparire sopra a attalo I ma non appare nessuno perche?
    mi sembra di aver impostato correttamente lo strat.

    fatemi sapere. [SM=x1140430]

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>>> Bosforo <<<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    faction scotland, bureaucrat smith
    ai_label default
    denari 6000
    denari_kings_purse 684

    level city
    region Phrygia

    year_founded 0
    population 47000 ;147000
    settlement_tax 50
    plan_set default_set
    faction_creator milan
    type core_building stone_wall
    ; type professional_military military_academy
    type equestrian knights_stablesDBM
    type barracks town_guard
    type barracks2 militia_barracks2
    type missiles practice_range
    type siege ballista_range
    type governor_building governors_villa
    type city_hall town_hallDBM
    type smith blacksmith
    type smith2 smiths_workshop
    type port port
    type hinterland_farms farms+1
    type mayan_farms raised_fields
    type market marketDBM
    type market2 fairground
    type hinterland_farmsP farmsP+2
    type hinterland_roads roads
    ; type health2 sewers
    ; type academic scriptorium
    ; type theatres odeon
    type taverns innDBM
    ; type temple_of_justice temple_of_justice_temple

    character Attalus_I, named character, male, leader, age 31, x 161, y 176 , battle_model Greek_King,
    traits Biografia_Attalus_I 1 , Factionleader 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Intelligent 2 , Austere 1 , PublicFaith 1 , BattleChivalry 1 , StrategyChivalry 3 , ReligionStarter 1 , LoyaltyStarter 1
    unit Seleucid_Bodyguard exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0

    character_record Attalus, male, age 60, dead, 1, past_leader
    character_record Antiochide, female, age 59, alive, never_a_leader

    relative, Attalus, Antiochide, Attalus_I, end


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    The Housekeeper
    Post: 21.194
    Registrato il: 10/02/2007

    00 17/07/2013 20:33
    sembra ok
    ti sei ricordato di inserire i nuovi nomi in descr_names e names?

    posta il log

    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 20:53
    20:52:30.711 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
    20:52:30.711 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Feb 25 2008 version development ===
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
    20:52:30.727 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
    20:52:56.039 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14291, column 1
    are you crazy, male is a woman and so cannot have been a past leader.
    20:52:56.039 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14291, column 1
    Couldn't find character records name (male) in the names database
    20:52:56.039 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14293, column 1
    Couldn't find character records name (female) in the names database
    20:52:56.039 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14293, column 13
    couldn't find Attalus's character_record
    20:52:56.039 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14299, column 1
    The character record is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.040 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14299, column 1
    The character record is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.145 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20648, column 67
    you have chosen an invalid tile(216, 162) for Sibylla_Chaldea (slave)
    20:52:56.145 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20651, column 66
    you have chosen an invalid tile(161, 126) for Sibylla_Libica (slave)
    20:52:56.146 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20654, column 68
    you have chosen an invalid tile(145, 169) for Sibylla_Delphica (slave)
    20:52:56.146 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20657, column 67
    you have chosen an invalid tile(161, 169) for Sibylla_Eritrea (slave)
    20:52:56.147 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20660, column 66
    you have chosen an invalid tile(108, 175) for Sibylla_Cumana (slave)
    20:52:56.147 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20663, column 72
    you have chosen an invalid tile(155, 185) for Sibylla_Ellespontica (slave)
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20666, column 67
    you have chosen an invalid tile(179, 190) for Sibylla_Phrygia (slave)
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Chaldea is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Libica is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Delphica is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Eritrea is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Cumana is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Ellespontica is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative
    20:52:56.148 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 20679, column 1
    The character record Sibylla Phrygia is neither married, nor has a father. This could mess up the family tree. She needs to be defined as a relative

    si li ho inseriti nel names e nel descr names



    ¬ Names for characters
    {of_Sardis}of Sardis

    descr names

    faction: scotland


    ecceterafino a:


    i nomi prima erano di stampo expanded e' scritto caledoni.una tribu' gallica.

    provo a rimettere quelli celtici e inserire i nomi greci in piu' per poi ricambiarli in greci quelli celtici se tutto va bene?

    [Modificato da Max.92 17/07/2013 21:24]


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    Post: 2.534
    Registrato il: 05/06/2009
    Città: RIETI
    Età: 37
    00 17/07/2013 21:56
    character_record Attalus tra questi due usi il tasto "tab"? non usare la barra dello spazio...
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 22:17 ho semre usato spazio.

    cosa cambia tra tab e spazio?

    cmq facendo tab non c'e' piu' l'errore ma ancora questo qui.

    22:16:37.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14293, column 1
    Couldn't find character records name (Antiochide) in the names database
    22:16:37.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in mods\DBM/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/worldwide_campaign_LIGHT/descr_strat.txt, at line 14293, column 23
    Couldn`t find spouse Antiochide

    provo a fare tab pure qui

    dopo edit:ho fatto tab ma adesso clicco su avvia campagna e torna alla scelta della campagna.lght,full e intermesia.sempre errore sopra.
    [Modificato da Max.92 17/07/2013 22:19]


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    Post: 2.534
    Registrato il: 05/06/2009
    Città: RIETI
    Età: 37
    00 17/07/2013 22:20
    ti da errore con lo spazio.... quando scrivi un personaggio in mappa devi sempre usare il tab anche con quelli gia presenti, con le relazioni quelli morti, e anche nel campaign script....vedrai che si leva pure l'altro di errore ;)
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 22:50
    niente.ho provato sui characters a fare tab ma niente.anche nei relative.stesso errore [SM=x1140417]


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    Post: 2.534
    Registrato il: 05/06/2009
    Città: RIETI
    Età: 37
    00 17/07/2013 22:53
    cambia nome della donna.... giusto per provare....
    [Modificato da franky317 17/07/2013 22:53]
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 23:08
    si funziona.ho messo Clymene

    ma come mai non becca Antiochide?

    grazie ancora frank.sei espertissimo:)


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 17/07/2013 23:22
    evviva ho risolto.
    sono andato nel name.ho cacnellato il primo antiochide.poi andato su trova e scritto clymene.
    quando l'ho trovata ho copiato la sua stringa e l'ho messa sotto di essa.
    ho cambiato in antiochide e' ho risolto.

    ho visto che c'e' molto spazio tra quello che e' tra le parentesi e qullo non in parentesi chissa perche'.guarda clymene per esempio nei greci.

    ancora grazie


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    Post: 2.534
    Registrato il: 05/06/2009
    Città: RIETI
    Età: 37
    00 17/07/2013 23:26
    Ma nn si finisce mai di imparare! Meglio cosi che hai risolto!;-)