Medieval Total War Italia

guardia del generale

  • Messaggi
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 01/09/2013 12:04
    silver surfer
    ciao dopo aver messo gli stendardi ho notato in mappa tattica questo problema.

    la guardia del generale greca assomiglia a silver surfer ma non so perche' la ho cosi'.ho solo assegnato nell'edu e edb la guardia greca sotto portugal togliendo quella vecchia.
    come risolvo?

    ; COMMENTS Greek_Bodyguard / Start exp: 3 / Refr rate: 0,228 / Pool cap: 2
    type Greek_Bodyguard
    dictionary Greek_Bodyguard
    category cavalry
    class heavy
    voice_type General
    banner faction main_cavalry
    soldier Greek_Bodyguard, 22, 0, 4.3
    mount Heavy_horse
    mount_effect elephant -4, camel -4
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, general_unit, command, very_hardy, power_charge, can_withdraw, can_formed_charge
    move_speed_mod 0.95
    formation 1.8, 2.8, 3, 4.5, 4, square
    stat_health 1, 6
    stat_pri 10, 12, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_simple, piercing, spear, 25, 1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_sec 16, 4, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_simple, slashing, sword, 25, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 11, 11, 0, metal
    stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
    stat_heat 3
    stat_ground -3, -1, -3, -2
    stat_mental 19, disciplined, highly_trained
    stat_charge_dist 30
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 1, 759, 438, 119, 448, 590, 1, 266
    stat_stl 0
    armour_ug_levels 2, 3
    armour_ug_models Greek_Bodyguard, Greek_Bodyguard
    ownership milan, portugal, slave
    era 0 milan, portugal, slave
    era 1 milan, portugal, slave
    era 2 milan, portugal, slave
    info_pic_dir merc
    card_pic_dir mercs
    recruit_priority_offset 5

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ACCADEMIE MILITARI

    building professional_military
    levels military_academy officers_academy
    military_academy requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
    recruits_morale_bonus bonus 1
    ;LEVEL I
    recruit_pool "Germanic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { hre, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Iberic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { spain, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Parthian_bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { timurids, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Roman_Bodyguard" 1 0.247 2 3 requires factions { romani, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Saka_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { russia, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    income_bonus bonus -15 ;;;costo di mantenimento
    material stone
    construction 7
    cost 4800
    settlement_min large_town
    officers_academy requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, greek, southern_european, eastern_european, }
    recruits_morale_bonus bonus 2
    ;LEVEL I
    recruit_pool "Germanic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { hre, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Iberic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { spain, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Parthian_bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { timurids, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Roman_Bodyguard" 1 0.247 2 3 requires factions { romani, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Saka_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { russia, } and not event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Arab_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { carnaites, }
    recruit_pool "Armenian_bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { denmark, }
    recruit_pool "Axum_Bodyguard" 1 0.216 2 3 requires factions { aksum, }
    recruit_pool "Bactrian_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { ellenobaktrioi, }
    recruit_pool "Britons_Bodyguard" 1 0.21 2 3 requires factions { england, }
    recruit_pool "Carthaginian_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { saxons, }
    recruit_pool "Dacian_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { poland, }
    recruit_pool "Gallic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { france, }
    recruit_pool "Garamantes_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { scotland,}
    recruit_pool "Greek_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { milan, portugal, }
    recruit_pool "Xiongnu_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { mongols, }
    recruit_pool "Indian_Bodyguard" 1 0.21 2 3 requires factions { aztecs, }
    recruit_pool "Illyrian_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { iliret, }
    recruit_pool "Macedonian_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { byzantium, }
    recruit_pool "Noricum_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { akni, }
    recruit_pool "Numidian_Bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { moors, }
    recruit_pool "Pontic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { turks, }
    recruit_pool "Ptolemaic_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { egypt, }
    recruit_pool "Sarmatian_bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { sarumatah, }
    recruit_pool "Scythian_bodyguard" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { skuoa, }
    recruit_pool "Seleucid_Bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { normans, }
    recruit_pool "Thracian_bodyguard" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { sicily, }
    recruit_pool "Germanic_Bodyguard_ug1" 1 0.04 2 3 requires factions { hre, } and event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Iberic_Bodyguard_ug1" 1 0.228 2 3 requires factions { spain, } and event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Parthian_bodyguard_ug1" 1 0.04 2 3 requires factions { timurids, } and event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Roman_Bodyguard_ug1" 1 0.247 2 3 requires factions { romani, } and event_counter rr1 1
    recruit_pool "Saka_Bodyguard_ug1" 1 0.24 2 3 requires factions { russia, } and event_counter rr1 1
    income_bonus bonus -30 ;;;costo di mantenimento

    [Modificato da Max.92 01/09/2013 12:04]


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]

    frederick the great
    Post: 4.003
    Registrato il: 27/07/2010
    Città: MILANO
    Età: 41

    00 01/09/2013 18:49
    portugal all'ownership della Greek_Bodyguard l'hai aggiunto tu o c'era già prima? Perché l'effetto "silver surfer" generalmente è dovuto al fatto che non trova, nel battle_models, il percorso delle texture relative alla fazione. Se nel blocco del battle portugal non c'è, basta che tu lo aggiunga e hai risolto.
    Post: 2.008
    Registrato il: 22/11/2011
    Città: ACCIANO
    Età: 32
    00 01/09/2013 19:32
    ops e' vero hai ragione.ti faccio sapere e grazie.

    dopo edit:si era òropio questo l'errore.ho fatto la stessa cosa per i generali,l'erede e i capitani per impedire che si verifichi la stessa cosa(mi era capitata dopo una prima modifica infatti [SM=g27963] )

    [SM=x1140430] 1000
    [Modificato da Max.92 01/09/2013 19:56]


    siete stato pesato..siete stato misurato...siete stato trovato mancante.

    Conte Adhemar di Anjou

    [Il Destino di un Cavaliere]