crash, crash e ancora crash..

00domenica 20 marzo 2011 19:53
sono giunto all'a.d. 1496 e non riesco più ad andare avanti.
O crasha prima di finire il "giro" delle altre fazioni, quando arriva ai ribelli, oppure poco dopo l'inizio del turno.

Il system.log, poi, riporta cose incomprensibili, per me

19:46:22.437 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
19:46:22.437 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Jun 25 2007 version bld-medieval2-update2.1-30 (43169) ===
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
19:46:22.453 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
19:46:26.984 [game.script] [error] Condition parsing error in spicciolati/data/export_descr_character_traits.txt, at line 16049, column 49
trigger not found
19:47:08.531 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <VanquisherEnglishAssassinates>
: <target_faction> is unavailable from event <LeaderOrderedAssassination>
when testing <TargetFactionType> condition
19:47:08.531 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <VanquishernormansAssassinates>
: <target_faction> is unavailable from event <LeaderOrderedAssassination>
when testing <TargetFactionType> condition
19:47:08.531 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <VanquishertimuridsAssassinates>
: <target_faction> is unavailable from event <LeaderOrderedAssassination>
when testing <TargetFactionType> condition
19:47:08.531 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <VanquisherhafsidiAssassinates>
: <target_faction> is unavailable from event <LeaderOrderedAssassination>
when testing <TargetFactionType> condition
19:47:08.531 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <VanquishermayaAssassinates>
: <target_faction> is unavailable from event <LeaderOrderedAssassination>
19:47:30.828 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <0073_Successful_Denouncement>
: <settlement> is unavailable from event <DenouncementMission>
19:47:33.375 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <0073_Successful_Denouncement>
: <settlement> is unavailable from event <DenouncementMission>
19:47:34.046 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <0073_Successful_Denouncement>
: <settlement> is unavailable from event <DenouncementMission>
19:47:35.109 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_losanna>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:47:35.109 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_losanna>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:47:35.109 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_trieste>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:47:35.109 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_trieste>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:47:35.109 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_siena>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.
when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:48:00.062 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_venice>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
19:49:03.421 [data.invalid] [error] World creation error: couldn't find unit description for unit type 'Picchieri Romagnoli'.
19:49:03.859 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War ha rilevato un errore non specificato e verrà terminato.

io ho provato a controllare gli errori che indica, ma non li vedo proprio!!

Come diavolo faccio? Sono piantato da una settimana [SM=g27979]
The Housekeeper
00lunedì 21 marzo 2011 09:30
apri il file export_descr_units di spicciolati, vai in fondo e incolla questo blocco:

type Picchieri Romagnoli
dictionary Picchieri_Romagnoli; Scots Pike Militia
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Light
banner faction main_spear
banner holy crusade
soldier Scots_Pike_Militia, 60, 0, 1
officer northern_captain
officer northern_captain_late_flag
officer northern_captain_late_flag
attributes legionary_name, sea_faring, hide_forest, can_withdraw, pike, mercenary_unit
formation 1.2, 1.2, 2.4, 2.4, 8, square, phalanx
stat_health 1, 0
stat_pri 7, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, spear, 25, 1
;stat_pri_ex 0, 0, 0
stat_pri_attr spear, long_pike, spear_bonus_8
stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 25, 1
;stat_sec 6, 1, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, piercing, sword, 25, 1
;stat_sec_ex 0, 0, 0
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 0, 1, 0, flesh
;stat_armour_ex 0, 4, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, flesh
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 2
stat_ground 1, -2, 3, 2
stat_mental 6, normal, trained
stat_charge_dist 40
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 250, 100, 50, 50, 250, 4, 50
armour_ug_levels 0, 1, 2
armour_ug_models Scots_Pike_Militia, Scots_Pike_Militia_ug1, Scots_Pike_Militia_ug2
ownership northern_european, southern_european, eastern_european, greek, middle_eastern, mesoamerican, slave
era 2 scozia
;unit_info 7, 0, 1

poi prova a rigiocare il turno.
00lunedì 21 marzo 2011 20:35
nada. Anche se non chiede più nulla sui picchieri romagnoli, crasha sempre alla stessa maniera, un'attimo prima che inizi il nuovo turno..

non so proprio che pesci prendere. Ho anche provato a cancellare l'arrivo dei francesi dal campaign_script ma nulla.
The Housekeeper
00martedì 22 marzo 2011 08:41
Il problema è che se si tratta di un errore del campaign_script non c'è modo di risolverlo se non cancellando la parte "sospetta" e ricominciando la campagna daccapo.
Adesso cosa dice il log?
00martedì 22 marzo 2011 18:00

17:56:36.937 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
17:56:36.937 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Jun 25 2007 version bld-medieval2-update2.1-30 (43169) ===
17:56:36.937 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
17:56:36.937 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
17:56:36.937 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
17:56:36.953 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
17:56:36.953 [] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
17:56:36.953 [] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
17:57:03.640 [game.script] [error] Condition parsing error in spicciolati/data/export_descr_character_traits.txt, at line 16049, column 49
trigger not found
17:58:22.312 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <0073_Successful_Denouncement>
: <settlement> is unavailable from event <DenouncementMission>
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_losanna>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_losanna>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_trieste>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_trieste>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_siena>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_siena>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_messina>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_messina>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_girgenti>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_girgenti>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_siracusa>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_siracusa>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:58:41.640 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_mdina>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_rome>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_rome>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_chieti>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_chieti>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_naples>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_naples>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_b_venice>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:55.843 [game.script] [error] Trigger processing error in <rawghi_a_venice>
: SettlementName needs a settlement.

when testing <SettlementName> condition
17:59:57.859 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War ha rilevato un errore non specificato e verrà terminato.

questa cosa dei "rawghi" è folle. perchè li tira in ballo tutti e più d'una volta?
Ma son l'unico imbattutosi in cotale maledizione?!?!
00mercoledì 23 marzo 2011 15:47
per caso, il campaign_script richiama unità non presenti nel descr_unit o nel model.db?

In questo caso potrei aggiungerle.
Mi basterebbe sapere di quali si tratti. Giusto?
The Housekeeper
00giovedì 24 marzo 2011 16:42
se li richiama è bugs, come nel caso dei picchieri romagnoli, che di fatto nell'edu non esistevano
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