Progetto traduzione bc in inglese

Pagine: 1, 2, [3], 4, 5
Il Cavaliere Verde
00martedì 22 marzo 2011 12:22
Thank you ketias!
We don't have files you can translate for now...
But you could correct our work when it will be finished, anyway ;)
Pico total war
00martedì 22 marzo 2011 13:39
Da oggi sono al tuo servizio [SM=x1140493] la percentula di completamento è infinitesima [SM=g27964] per domenica il lavoro cmq sarà finito a costo della morte [SM=x1140483]
Il Cavaliere Verde
00martedì 22 marzo 2011 15:17
Pico total war, 22/03/2011 13.39:

Da oggi sono al tuo servizio [SM=x1140493] la percentula di completamento è infinitesima [SM=g27964] per domenica il lavoro cmq sarà finito a costo della morte [SM=x1140483]

Perfetto, fai con comodo che poi ti assegno un file tosto [SM=x1140523]
00venerdì 25 marzo 2011 08:44
question for Cavaliere!
I am not sure if this is the proper thread to post this but maybe you can post it in Italian where it belongs for me [SM=g27963] Would it be possible for version 6.2 to fix the diplomacy speech of several factions who use England or France as their diplomacy...for example when I make a treaty with Russia, they always respond with speech from England. K. of Jerusalem responds that they are France and others are also out of place like that...thanks for reading this
Il Cavaliere Verde
00venerdì 25 marzo 2011 08:58
Re: question for Cavaliere!
ketias, 25/03/2011 08.44:

I am not sure if this is the proper thread to post this but maybe you can post it in Italian where it belongs for me [SM=g27963] Would it be possible for version 6.2 to fix the diplomacy speech of several factions who use England or France as their diplomacy...for example when I make a treaty with Russia, they always respond with speech from England. K. of Jerusalem responds that they are France and others are also out of place like that...thanks for reading this

Thank you ketias!
I'll report this to the devs [SM=g27960]
However the French speech for Jerusalem is right since they were actually Franks, as they called themselves
Il Cavaliere Verde
00sabato 26 marzo 2011 20:16
Re: Re:
Doppio post, scusate

Il Cavaliere Verde
00sabato 26 marzo 2011 20:17
Re: Re:
Nuovo aggiornamento dei lavori (gli asterischi indicano i file completati):
New progress report (the asterisks indicate the files already translated):

- battle *
- battle_descriptions *
- building battle *
- campaign_descriptions
- cursor_action_tooltips *
- diplomacy *
- diplomacy_speech *
- event_strings *
- event_titles *
- expanded *
- export_advice
- export_ancillaries
- export_buildings_orig
- export_prologue
- export_units_orig
- export_vnvs
- historic_events
- menu_english *
- missions
- names
- rebel_faction_descr
- religions *
- shared
- strat
- tooltips

Aggiornamento compiti per casa:
- Il Cavaliere Verde -> export_ancillaries 85%
- ketias -> none
- Pico -> campaign_descriptions
- Bertavianus -> export_buildings_orig
- Bross91 -> tooltips (?)

ATTENZIONE: Gli aggiornamenti dei file per la 6.2 sono quasi pronti!
WARNING: the update of the files for the 6.2 version is almost ready!

@ Bross91: ti prego di confermare che ti stai occupando del file, grazie

@ ketias: if you want you can translate the italianized names (not the Italian ones) in the "names" file

00domenica 27 marzo 2011 10:04
Ok, I will work on the names file---also I translated the shared, strat and tooltips files for my own game, I will pack them and send them to you when I send in the names file in a couple of days
Il Cavaliere Verde
00domenica 27 marzo 2011 10:45
ketias, 27/03/2011 10.04:

Ok, I will work on the names file---also I translated the shared, strat and tooltips files for my own game, I will pack them and send them to you when I send in the names file in a couple of days

Great! [SM=x1140522]
You can translate the rebel_faction_descr, too, it's very easy [SM=g27960]
00mercoledì 30 marzo 2011 21:14
jochi reporting for duty [SM=x1140443]
Il Cavaliere Verde
00giovedì 31 marzo 2011 08:22
jochi-TWC, 30/03/2011 21.14:

jochi reporting for duty [SM=x1140443]

Hello Jochi!
Well, as you proposed me, you can correct the files already translated. [SM=g27960]
Just wait for them to be finished! I think that i will finish my file (export_ancillaries) before the end of the week...
Thank you for your support!
00giovedì 31 marzo 2011 20:31
no problem ,glad to be of service;) also am i the only twc guy around here?
00venerdì 1 aprile 2011 09:07

link to updated folder:
corrected some mistakes I had made on some files, these are the latest corrections.
Also included new translations of tooltips, strat, shared, rebel_faction_descr, and names. Is anyone working on export_vnvs file? I could try that one if no one else is working on it.

Il Cavaliere Verde
00venerdì 1 aprile 2011 12:43
ketias, 01/04/2011 09.07:

link to updated folder:
corrected some mistakes I had made on some files, these are the latest corrections.
Also included new translations of tooltips, strat, shared, rebel_faction_descr, and names. Is anyone working on export_vnvs file? I could try that one if no one else is working on it.

Great work! [SM=g1598465]
Better you wait for the final version of the files you have already translated, there are some strings that have beed added...
Il Cavaliere Verde
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:05
Ragazzi, finalmente ho finito l'export_ancillaries! [SM=x1140441]
Guys, I have completed the translation of the export_ancillaries file!

Ora mi dedico alla cartella World
Now I translate the World folder

Aggiornamento lavori:
- battle *
- battle_descriptions *
- building battle *
- campaign_descriptions
- cursor_action_tooltips *
- diplomacy *
- diplomacy_speech *
- event_strings *
- event_titles *
- expanded *
- export_advice
- export_ancillaries *
- export_buildings_orig
- export_units_orig
- export_vnvs
- historic_events
- menu_english *
- missions
- names *
- rebel_faction_descr *
- religions *
- shared *
- strat *
- tooltips *

- Il Cavaliere Verde -> World folder
- ketias -> none
- Pico -> campaign_descriptions
- Bertavianus -> export_buildings_orig
- Bross91 -> none
- Jochi -> correction

Per favore, confermate che state lavorando e aggiornate lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori, grazie!
Please, confirm that you are all working, thanks

00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:34
Buongiorno Cavaliere e team!

Ho letto che cercate ancora personale e se c'è bisogno posso dare una mano nella traduzione. Ho un buon inglese (ho vissuto a londra) ed ho un po di tempo libero. Se mi affidi un file sarò ben lieto di aiutare.
Il Cavaliere Verde
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:38
kismet87, 04/04/2011 09.34:

Buongiorno Cavaliere e team!

Ho letto che cercate ancora personale e se c'è bisogno posso dare una mano nella traduzione. Ho un buon inglese (ho vissuto a londra) ed ho un po di tempo libero. Se mi affidi un file sarò ben lieto di aiutare.

Perfetto! Grazie della pronta risposta e del prezioso aiuto!
Scegli pure quello che preferisci tra quelli non tradotti o "in lavorazione" e dimmi qual è (per ora lascerei perdere l'historic_events) [SM=g27960]
Ti consiglio vivamente poi di procurarti anche la traduzione per la 5.0 da cui potrai prendere tantissimo materiale alleggerendoti il lavoro (la trovi alcune pagine più indietro).
Che dirti: buon lavoro e grazie infinite!
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:42
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:43
Will correct friday ,I have a lot of papers due this week so at the end I will try to finish this one
Il Cavaliere Verde
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:47
jochi-TWC, 04/04/2011 09.43:

Will correct friday ,I have a lot of papers due this week so at the end I will try to finish this one

Don't worry, no problem! [SM=g27960]
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 09:48
Parto con il missions e pi, visto che non è lunghissimo, faccio l'advice. Gli altri rimanenti (buildings, vnvs, units ed historics) non sono un po lunghi per chiunque? Non conviene dividerli in due o tre parti per velocizzare il lavoro?

Comunque se i file da me scelti vanno bene inizio subito. Solo una cosa, non penso sia il caso di questi file, ma se trovo dei nomi tipicamente legati ad una lingua (che sia italiana o straniera) li lascio così o approssimo la traduzione in inglese?
Il Cavaliere Verde
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 10:04
kismet87, 04/04/2011 09.48:

Parto con il missions e pi, visto che non è lunghissimo, faccio l'advice. Gli altri rimanenti (buildings, vnvs, units ed historics) non sono un po lunghi per chiunque? Non conviene dividerli in due o tre parti per velocizzare il lavoro?

Comunque se i file da me scelti vanno bene inizio subito. Solo una cosa, non penso sia il caso di questi file, ma se trovo dei nomi tipicamente legati ad una lingua (che sia italiana o straniera) li lascio così o approssimo la traduzione in inglese?

Benissimo procedi pure!

Per la lunghezza degli altri hai ragione, ma il team è molto ristretto, se ci fosse più gente (altri 3-4) si finirebbe in pochissimo tempo [SM=g27969]
Se conosci qualcuno interessato invitalo pure, il posto non manca! [SM=g27964]

Infine per i nomi, il criterio è quello di tradurre in Inglese solo i nomi "italianizzati" (es. Capetingi, Enrico o Georgiani)

ps: alcuni file potrebbero essere modificati in vista della 6.2, ma non preoccuparti, le eventuali modifiche dovrebbero trovarsi in fondo.
Provvederò a passarli appena saranno definitivi
The Housekeeper
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 10:31
il missions non dovrebbe essere cambiato molto dalla 5.0, il file della traduzione vecchia vi sarà molto utile
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 10:35
Uhm...volevo scaricare il manuale in inglese per vedere che termini sono stati usati ma non parte il download. Riscontro solo io questo problema o e generalizzato?
Il Cavaliere Verde
00lunedì 4 aprile 2011 18:29
kismet87, 04/04/2011 10.35:

Uhm...volevo scaricare il manuale in inglese per vedere che termini sono stati usati ma non parte il download. Riscontro solo io questo problema o e generalizzato?

Riprova, a me funziona, magari è solo una questione momentanea... [SM=g27982]
Se il problema persiste fammi sapere che ti mando la mia copia [SM=g27960]

ps: ti do un paio di suggerimenti operativi basilari (non sapendo se hai già avuto a che fare con questi file):
- non tradurre quello che sta dentro le parentesi graffe
- quando incontri /n lascialo così, serve a lasciare uno spazio
Il Cavaliere Verde
00martedì 5 aprile 2011 23:35
Ecco pronta anche la cartella World:
Here it is the World folder:

@ kismet87: hai risolto il problema?
00mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 02:14
historic events
I have an idea about translating the very long historic events folder. I was thinking about editing the text. I realize that this would involve cutting out interesting information that the Bellum Crucis team researched and put together but it would make the translation easier and faster.

for example

{TEMPLARI_CONDANNATI_TITLE}The Templars are declared heretics!
{TEMPLARI_CONDANNATI_BODY} From this moment, all chapters of the Knights Templar, declared heretical by the Pope, will be dismantled and the revenues will be collected from each realm that housed them. All Templars units are immediately dismissed. His Holiness is pleased by your choice to support his decision, and will reward you with a gift of 5000 bezants in addition to a clear improvement of diplomatic relations with the Papal States. \n\n The Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was born between 1240 and 1250, the son of Burgundian noble Jean der Longwy and a daughter of the Sire of Rahon. In 1265 Jacques was welcomed into the order of the Knights Templar at Beaune. In 1285 in Outremer, as the Holy land was called in those times, Jacques de Molay was made Count of Acre. By 1290 he had settled in Cyprus and was therefore unable to participate in the defense of Akkon in 1291. After 1294 he served as head of the order. \n During the trial of the Templars in 1307, he was subjected to torture and sentenced to life imprisonment. Jacques de Molay later retracted his statements and was sentenced to death along with his fellow prisoner Goeffrey de Charney. He was burned at the stake in Paris, close to Notre Dame, on March 18, 1314.

What do you think?
Il Cavaliere Verde
00mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 08:21
Re: historic events
ketias, 06/04/2011 02.14:

I have an idea about translating the very long historic events folder. I was thinking about editing the text. I realize that this would involve cutting out interesting information that the Bellum Crucis team researched and put together but it would make the translation easier and faster.

for example

{TEMPLARI_CONDANNATI_TITLE}The Templars are declared heretics!
{TEMPLARI_CONDANNATI_BODY} From this moment, all chapters of the Knights Templar, declared heretical by the Pope, will be dismantled and the revenues will be collected from each realm that housed them. All Templars units are immediately dismissed. His Holiness is pleased by your choice to support his decision, and will reward you with a gift of 5000 bezants in addition to a clear improvement of diplomatic relations with the Papal States. \n\n The Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was born between 1240 and 1250, the son of Burgundian noble Jean der Longwy and a daughter of the Sire of Rahon. In 1265 Jacques was welcomed into the order of the Knights Templar at Beaune. In 1285 in Outremer, as the Holy land was called in those times, Jacques de Molay was made Count of Acre. By 1290 he had settled in Cyprus and was therefore unable to participate in the defense of Akkon in 1291. After 1294 he served as head of the order. \n During the trial of the Templars in 1307, he was subjected to torture and sentenced to life imprisonment. Jacques de Molay later retracted his statements and was sentenced to death along with his fellow prisoner Goeffrey de Charney. He was burned at the stake in Paris, close to Notre Dame, on March 18, 1314.

What do you think?

Great work, as usual! [SM=x1140428]
It is just what I was thinking to do but, first of all, I would prefer to translate the other files and finally the events one.
Only a few files remain, but the big ones!
And I am waiting for the last updates that I will pass you soon.

Ps: I saw that in one of your files (I think names) there is a modification of the text inside a curly bracket (GeRussialemme instead of Gerusalemme) and this could cause many problems...
I'm sure this was only an oversight, but can you control again your files?
Scuse me, but it's a very important thing
00mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 08:31
Ok, sounds good.

Also about the gerussian files, I looked over all the files and fixed the problem. I don't know how that happened but it was only in the events file. thanks for finding it for me [SM=g27963]
Il Cavaliere Verde
00mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 08:33
ketias, 06/04/2011 08.31:

Ok, sounds good.

Also about the gerussian files, I looked over all the files and fixed the problem. I don't know how that happened but it was only in the events file. thanks for finding it for me [SM=g27963]

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